Recogniziing the achievement of Collective Bargaining as the most advanced method of employees receiving their just share of the profits of their labor, We, the workers of the Raytheon Company, have associated ourselves with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, and operate under a charter of same as Aquidneck Lodge No. 587. In order to further our own
interests, it therefore becomes necessary to live within the confines
of the rules of the IAM Constitution, and to strive to make our local
organization through example, an organization of fair dealing, not
only with the employer, but with our own members, assuring a good
foundation for the future and instilling the confidence of the
community in Aquidneck Lodge No. 587 of District No. 26 of the
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers,
AFL-CIO. Section 1. This organization
shall be known as Aquidneck Lodge No. 587, of District Lodge No. 26,
of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers,
AFL CIO. by virtue of a charter issued by the International
Organization in October, 1965.
Section 1. The regular meeting of this Lodge shall be held on the second (2nd) Sunday of each month. Meetings shall be held at 7:00 PM at such place as may be determined by the Lodge from time to time. If a meeting falls on a holiday, that meeting shall be held on the following Sunday. Section 2. Special meetings shall be called by the President of the Lodge in accordance with the IAM Constitution. Section 3. The President
shall preside at all meetings. In his absence, the Vice-President
shall preside. In the absence of both, the line of succession to the
chair shall be as follows: Recording Secretary or Secretary
Section 1. Five members in good
standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 2. No member shall be allowed to enter or leave the Lodge during the opening, reading of the minutes, or while the Lodge is in executive session, unless excused by the Sentinel. Section 3. When the Lodge
meeting has been adjourned, it shall not be reopened the same night,
except by unanimous consent of the members present. If any member has
left the room subsequent to closing, it shall not be reopened.
Section 1. The initiation fee shall be $150.00 Section 2. The reinstatement fee shall be $150.00 Section 3. The monthly dues of this Lodge shall be a uniform rate equal to two (2) times the weighted average hourly earnings of the members covered by the collective bargaining agreements under the Local Lodge jurisdiction in accordance with the IAM Constitution, plus $1.10. Section 4. Should any member allow his or hers dues to become in arrears to the amount of two (2) months, he shall be dropped from the roll of membership and shall forfeit all benefits of this association. Section 5. Effective January 1 2009,
any increase in Grand Lodge or District Lodge No. 26 per capita tax shall
automatically be added to the above dues structure. These increases may be
reduced by the Executive Board after reviewing Local Lodge finances. Section 1. All officers, employees, or other individuals in this Local Lodge who are responsible for, or handle funds of, or for the Lodge, shall be bonded in accordance with the IAM Constitution and the IAM Policy relating thereto. Section 2. The duties of the
various officers shall be in accordance with the IAM Constitution.
Section 1. Nomination of
Local Lodge officers shall take place at the September meeting of
every three(3) years. Nominations shall be accepted for President,
Vice-President, Recording-Secretary, Secretary-Treasurer, Conductor-Sentinel,
Trustees, and Executive Board. Section 3. Nominations for District Delegates will take place at the September meeting every four years, and shall be elected in the same manner as Local Lodge Officers Section 4. Candidates for the above positions must be members in good standing in accordance with the IAM Constitution, for one (1) year prior to this meeting. Section 5. Members must be present at this meeting to accept nominations or have a note in the hands of the Recording Secretary stating their intention to accept if nominated. Section 6. Position of the candidates on the ballot shall be determined as follows:
Section 7. In order to be
eligible as an Officer or Committeeman, or a candidate for any
position on the ballot a member must have been in good standing of
this Lodge for one (1) year.
Section 1. Elections for the Local Lodge shall be held at the meeting in October of each year. Such election shall be by secret ballot. Section 2. To be eligible to vote, the member must have his dues card. In the absence of his dues card, eligibility shall be determined from a check off list prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer. Section 3. The candidate
receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared the winner.
Section 1. The roll call of
all Officers, Shop Committeeman, and Stewards shall be made at each
meeting. Any of the above absenting himself with or without an excuse
from three (3) regular meetings in one year should resign. Should he
fail to resign he will then be charged with negligence of his duties
and tried in accordance with the IAM Constitution. Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of all Local Lodge Officers and five (5) additional members who will be elected at the same time and in the same manner as Local Lodge Officers. Section 2. It shall meet between the monthly meetings of the Lodge. Section 3. It shall be empowered to call special meetings. Section 4. It may not expend more than $100.00 in any month between meetings of the Local Lodge, without sanction of the Lodge. Section 5. It will report at
the regular meeting of the following month.
Section 1. For faithful performance of their duties, the various officials shall be compensated monthly as follows effective January 1, 2009. President ----------------------------- $65.00 Recording Secretary ---------------$50.00 District Delegate----------------------$15.00 Secretary Treasurer ----------------$200.00 To provide that Tellers will be paid when they perform their duties and not monthly, $50.00. To provide that Auditors and Trustees will be paid when they perform their duties and not monthly, $25.00. Section 2. The Vice President, Members of the Shop Committee, Conductor/ Sentinel, and each Steward shall be paid an amount equivalent to their dues. Section 3. Tellers shall be compensated for lost time when necessary. Section
4 All
elected and/or appointed members serving on behalf of the Local shall submit an
itemized statement of expenses incurred to the Local Lodge for reimbursement.
Such reimbursement shall be in an amount equal to the actual lost wages, actual
cost of hotel/motel accommodations, mileage allowance as approved by the lodge,
not to exceed first class airfare or the I.R.S. maximum for travel expenses, a
per diem at the rate set by the IRS. (if applicable), plus an incidental
expenses allowance of up to twenty ($20.00) dollars per day (if approved by the
membership). Section
5.Members attending lAM sponsored classes or functions at the William W.
Winpisinger Education and Technology Center shall be compensated for their per
diem on the travel days at the rate set by the IRS. and may receive an
incidental expense allowance not to exceed $20.00 per day while at the center. Section 1. Every year in the first week of December nomination forms will be posted in every service area, on which candidates may declare their intentions to become candidates for Steward. These forms will not be removed until the first work day in January and this will close nominations. A candidate for Steward must be in good standing for one (1) year to be eligible. In order to be nominated and elected that member must be working on the shift and in the service area at the close of nominations. Section 2. Every year in the month of January, elections will be held in every service area for Stewards. Elections shall be in the various service areas during the noon lunch break, under the direction of the President, Recording Secretary, and one (1) Teller from the service area involved. The date of the election for each service area will be posted in that service area one (1) week before said elections. Section 3. The steward shall be elected only by those members on the shift and in the service area on the day of the election. His term of service will start on February 1st. The Steward shall hold his position for one (1) year, unless re-elected. Section 4. A vacancy may be filled temporarily by the President until the service area elects a Steward. Section 5. A Steward to
receive compensation as specified in Article X, Section 2., must
attend all regular meetings of the Lodge each month. A reasonable
excuse for absence may be accepted by the membership.
Section 1. The Shop Committee shall be composed of five (5) members. The President and Vice-President shall automatically become members of this Committee. The President shall become Chairman of the Shop Committee. In event of a resignation or death, the alternate shall assume the position of the Shop Committeeman. The next highest on the ballot shall assume the duties of Shop Committee Alternate. Section 2. The duties of the Shop Committee shall be to meet with the representatives of the company to negotiate the renewal of the contracts or any changes thereto, and to report to the Body the results of these negotiations which must be acted upon by the Body and be accepted before empowered to sign or enter into agreement with the company or its representatives. Section 3. It shall act as a Grievance Committee and represent the Lodge and individual members thereof on any grievance that has been submitted in writing by the Stewards. Section 4. It shall be
empowered, after a contract has been approved by the Body, to sign
same on behalf of the Lodge and said contract shall be binding as
though signed by each individual member thereof.
ARTICLE XIII SCREENING COMMITTEE Section 1. A Screening Committee shall process any and all grievances not settled by the grievance procedure. This Committee shall recommend whether or not each grievance will be submitted to arbitration. Any individual involved will be informed of the meeting and may attend to present his views and arguments. Meetings will be called by the President when necessary and four (4) members shall constitute a quorum. Section 2. The committee shall be composed of the Officers, all Stewards, Shop Committee, and Shop Committee Alternates. Section 3. Any member may
appeal the decision of this committee at the regular Lodge Meeting.
Section 1. All appeals for financial aid shall be referred to the Executive Board for consideration and investigation before they are voted upon by the Lodge and further, that all funds appropriated by the Lodge for any purpose other than current expenses of the Lodge shall require a majority vote of the members present. Section 2. No committee, except the Executive Board, shall spend any money without discussion of the subject by the Body at a regular meeting. Section 3. For the retirement of any member in good standing of this Lodge, the $10.00 Retirement Card Application fee will be provided by the Lodge. Section 4. Upon Notice of the death of a Regular, Retired, or Life Member, the lodge shall furnish the member's survivors with a keepsake bible. Section 5. A members unemployment
stamps will be paid by the lodge for members in good standing for the period of
one year upon the members leave due to illness. After one year, he will
reimburse the Lodge and be notified of his options to retire (if applicable),
take a withdrawal card, or be lapsed. Section 1. No member of the
Lodge shall sign or influence any other member to sign any petition,
unless said petition is duly authorized by the Executive Board or by
vote of the Lodge.
Section 1. Any subsequent bylaws that may be enacted by the Body at a later date shall be appended and recorded in the minutes of the Recording Secretary and shall be recognized as part of these bylaws after Grand Lodge approval. Section 2. Any increase of the amount of initiation and reinstatement fees, Emergency Funds, and Local Lodge dues must be handled on the basis of the procedures specified in the IAM Constitution. Any other amendments to these bylaws must be handled on the basis of the following procedures.
Section 3. Nothing in these bylaws shall be construed or applied in a manner that will conflict with the provisions of the IAM Constitution. All matters arising and not specifically covered by these bylaws shall be governed by the IAM Constitution. ARTICLE XVII ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1. The order of
business shall be specified in the IAM Constitution.
ARTICLE XVIII SAVINGS ACCOUNT Section 1. Four percent (4%)
of all money received from reinstatements, initiations, and monthly
dues shall be placed in a savings account. |